Date nights can be one of the best things for a relationship but I think they can often be misunderstood and thought of as something that requires you to go out.  While going out to dinner and a movie or something along those lines can be really great and fun to do it’s not always realistic, especially when you have kids.  I had no idea how much work it would take to plan a date once I had kids (planning their meals, getting a sitter, making sure there are bottles, etc. It’s exhausting!) Not to mention the fact that going out can be really expensive!!

So when going out isn’t an option or just not something you’re up for why not plan a great date at home? It’s so important that you intentionally have time with your love where you can connect and have fun.  Here’s some of my favorite at home date nights that are also (mostly) budget friendly.  So put the kids to bed early and give yourself a date night!

1. Paint by number

This one we haven’t actually tried yet, but I can’t wait to.  I’m sure you’ve heard of those paint nights where you go to some art studio and paint and drink wine but they’re kind of expensive.  But have you seen these?! They’re pretty awesome and even if you’re not really an artist (like me) that’s totally ok.  The best part is that you won’t finish your painting in one sitting so you’ll have this for several date nights.

 2. S’mores by candle light

I LOVE this one! If you’re lucky enough to have a fireplace or outdoor fire pit then go ahead and light that baby up! But if not, all you really need are the smores supplies, kabob skewers, and a non-scented candle.  Make some s’mores and sit and have some good conversations.

3. Puzzles and wine

Find yourselves a good puzzle and wine and just enjoy a low key night together.

4. Romantic dinner and making out on the couch

So here’s the deal with this one – It’s a throwback to your early dating days.  A lot of couples say that they never just make out like they used to, and to be honest that’s just sad because making out is awesome.  So make this date not about sex (although if it leads to that then great!). This date is about having a nice dinner together and planning to make out and not rushing into anything.  You’d be surprised how refreshing it is to intentionally go back to this.

5. Cheese plate and conversations about your dreams.

Cheese platters are freaking delicious and are great option if you just made a quick dinner to get the kids to bed early.  It’s the second half of this that is really great though. Talk about your dreams and things you’ve always wanted to do.  Maybe you’re a stay at home mom now but you dream about going back to school when the kids are older.  Or maybe you’ve dreamed about a certain trip or retirement. You may learn something new about each other or find ways to help make each other’s dreams become a reality.  It’s SO important for couples to dream talk and imagine their future.  This is actually one of the levels in Gottman’s Sound Relationship House it’s that important.

6. Board game or video game night

Find some games to play together and be playful with each other.  Even if you’re not usually into video games but your spouse is, give it a try.  The simple fact that you’re trying may be meaningful to them and your lack of skills may be hilarious.

7. Picnic in the backyard

Pack things up and head outside.  If you’re lucky enough to see the stars from your house (we see hardly in living in the city) then you can bring out some pillows and lay together while you look for constellations.

8. At home workout

I realize that not everyone is into working out and they may not find being sweaty from a workout very sexy, but even still it can be a great date. Most adults complain about not having enough time to workout and I’m right there with them.  It can sometimes feel like you have to choose between date night and exercising but why choose one or the other when you can exercise together.  Added benefits are that you can be each other’s cheerleaders and you’re setting a great example for your kids. There are some awesome youtube videos as well that don’t require you to have a bunch of equipment.

9. Find a recipe that you’ve always wanted to make and cook together.

Get adventurous with this one and try something new.  My husband and I love to cook together so I plan to schedule a date night sometime where we can try to make Beef Wellington.  It’s been on our list for years after watching Master Chef and seeing Gordon Ramsay work his magic.

10. Chocolate fondue and fruit

I realize that not everyone has a fondue set, myself included, but you don’t have to.  All you really need are kabob skewers, chocolate, fruit, a pot of boiling water, and a glass mixing bowl that can sit into the pot like a double boiler.  It definitely improvising, but it works!

So there you have it! My top 10 favorite at home date nights.  I’m sure there are so many other great date night ideas so drop a comment below and let me know what you like to do.  I’d love to do a second part to this post and share some of your favorites!